A church for you and your family

Maybe you have never been to a church before in your life, or you’re looking for a new church, if so, we can’t wait to meet you and help you feel at home with us.

latest service
A young family smiling at the camera

Welcome To Elmwood

come and visit

We understand that coming to something for the first time may be daunting so we would like to give you some information to prepare you for your visit.

Our service starts at 10:30am and is usually led by our Senior Leader, Chris Mellor or another member of the Service Leading Team.

Find out more about the services here, or watch a recorded one here to see what goes on.

visit us

What We Believe

community life

Our core vision and values are the focus and driving force behind everything we do at Elmwood.

To read more on our vision of Growing Deeper, Drawing Closer, Reaching Further visit our vision page.

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A church leader giving a sermon